Part documentary, part narrative, and part animation, As Real as Your Life chronicles one video game addict's experiences and explores the personal and social repercussions of spending more time playing in the virtual world than in the real one. The film brings to light the enormous potential for video games to transform individuals, and aims to start conversations about the role video games play in our lives.
The film was created by Michael Highland in the midst of his video game addiction as a college freshman. A review in the school paper caught the eye of Scot Rubin, a co-founder of G4 Television Network. Scot and Michael collaborated to produce a the longer more detailed version of the film you see here.
Shortly after the film was finished in 2006, game industry veteran David Perry asked to screen the film as part of a talk he was to give at the prestigious TED Conference. Michael re-cut a shortened version of the film, and it premiered at TED later that year. Since then Michael has screened the film numerous times in festivals, game industry events, and at schools and libraries.
Today, Michael continues to explore the cultural and philosophical implications of virtual experience, as well as technology in general. He also has taken up designing games of his own through his research and development company PORT 127.
For questions about the the film or inquires for screenings, please contact: